Where can I buy Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauce?
Maw n' Paw BBQ Sauce is sold from our restaurant, Maw n' Paw BBQ, located in Fresno, CA and online from this website. To order online, click on the SHOP button in the main navigation menu.
Do Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauces contain allergens?
All Maw n' Paw® products are labeled in accordance with the FDA food labeling requirements, including the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (Title II of Public Law 108-282) which requires foods to be labeled that contain the major food allergens: milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soybeans. Although many flavors of Maw n' Paw® Sauce do not contain these ingredients, refer to the ingredients statement on the back of each Maw n' Paw® BBQ product to find this declaration.
Do you have a list of ingredients for Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauces?
Specific ingredients and nutritional facts are listed on the back label of each bottle.
Should I refrigerate Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauce?
We recommend refrigerating Maw n' Paw BBQ Sauce after opening.
What should I use Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauce on?
You may use Maw n' Paw® BBQ Sauce with most of your favorite foods, including chicken, steak, ribs, hamburgers, pork, seafood, lamb, buffalo, vegetables, hot dogs, french fries, sausages and more. You can also use Maw n' Paw® BBQ Sauce as an ingredient in recipes.
Do Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauces contain MSG?
No, Maw n' Paw® BBQ Sauces do not contain MSG.
When barbecuing or broiling meats, when should you add Maw n' Paw BBQ®?
Generally, you should baste foods during last 5-10 minutes of barbecuing or broiling with Maw n' Paw® BBQ Sauce, as sauce may burn at high temperatures.
Can you use Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauce as marinade?
Yes, for low-temperature cooking, such as baking, you may use Maw n' Paw® BBQ Sauce as a marinade.
How long can I keep Maw n' Paw BBQ® Sauce after I open it?
After opening, we suggest keeping the sauce for no longer than 9-12 months. Always refrigerate sauce after it is opened.
Do you own Maw n' Paw BBQ® Restaurant?
Yes, if you find yourself in the Fresno area, we invite you in to try our sauces on our slow smoked meats.
Do Maw n' Paw BBQ® products contain gluten?
Most of our products do not contain gluten. Products and ingredients made from grains containing gluten—such as wheat, rye and barley—will be clearly listed in the ingredient statement on the package label.
Are Maw n' Paw BBQ® products labeled "Gluten Free"?
Only products that have been verified to be gluten free will have a “Gluten Free” statement on the product page. Please refer to the ingredient statement on package labels or contact us for clarification.
How do you ensure your products are gluten free?
We have a program in place to support the use of the “Gluten Free” statement. Products listed as “Gluten Free” undergo scheduled testing. All suppliers provide assurance that there are no ingredients that contain or are derived from gluten-containing grains. Our products are manufactured in facilities with stringent allergen control programs to prevent cross contamination.
Safety Tip: To avoid contaminating sauce, never place dirty or used utensils, such as basting brushes, into the bottle and do not pour used sauce back into the bottle.